Saturday, August 1, 2009

Know What You Believe

Prior to reading this post, please read the article "Is Your Church Going Purpose Driven?"

2 Corinthians 11:3, 13-15 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. ... For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Our adversary the devil has an improved tactic. His methods are much the same: love and nice feelings, ear-tickling, the dilution of God's holy Word. All unobtrusive, harmless, unoffensive. Anyone who says anything derogatory about modern methods of Christianity is simply narrow-minded and legalistic.

I suppose that's exactly what this young lady is: narrow-minded and legalistic. Why? I stand on the holy Word of my holy God.

I had heard some things about Purpose Driven, but I did not know the details of what these people are teaching. My family received the before-mentioned article in the mail a few weeks ago. They were being distributed by a concerned person, unknown to us, sensing the need to warn other KJV churches of what she had experienced. Her church was affected by Church Transitions. I was shocked upon reading her testimony. The enclosed article (below) stated that "the church membership is not told until it is too late to make a difference", and that is exactly what happened to her church. Her almost-unbelievable account was saddening to say the very least. This is scary, folks!

"To start a Purpose Driven Church or change to one with the full knowledge and consent of the membership is one thing, but to practically steal a church from Christians who have given and served to build it without their knowledge or consent is quite another."

The greatest reason so many are being deceived in this day is, quite simply, due to ignorance of what God has said in His Word. Our churches are full of doctrinally shallow Christians! People do not know what they believe. They have no convictions settled upon the sure and solid Rock, grounded firm and deep in the Scriptures. There are so many who "lie in wait to deceive," and if we don't stand upon the Rock Jesus Christ, we can be certain we'll be "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness" (Eph. 4:14).

False teachers do not appear to be evil. Consider the personable TV evangelists who seem to be aglow with the Spirit. This is why Christ commanded us, following His sharp rebuke to the religious Jews in the temple, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." (John 7:24) We must "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Matt. 7:15) Satan's ministers indeed resemble the sheep of Christ's fold. "It is no great thing." Satan himself, whose evil and darkness is exceeded by none other, can appear to be a good angel of light.

“The word ‘fundamentalist’ actually comes from a document in the 1920s called the Five Fundamentals of the Faith. And it is a very legalistic, narrow view of Christianity.” - Dr. Rick Warren, founder of Purpose Driven

That statement is a lie. That is a slap in the Savior's face! If that does not convince you that this man is a false prophet, nothing will. Rick Warren and his wicked program deny the inerrancy and full authority of God's Word; Christ's deity and virgin birth; the Savior's atoning, vicarious death for the sins of the world; the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead; and literal second coming of Christ the Lord. The "very legalistic, narrow view" of the fundamentals of the faith are what our souls' salvation hangs upon! If they be not true, we have no hope!

The fundamentals of the faith are not just words on an old document! They are Bible truths. They are prophecies, God's perfect plan of salvation, fulfilled and completed by God incarnate, Jesus Christ.

It really is a "narrow view," and few there be that find it. "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Matt. 7:14-15)

"According to the New Testament definition, those who believe otherwise are not Christians."

Common sense will tell you that.

What do you believe, and why do you believe it? Do you accept what your pastor preaches simply because has studied his Bible, or do you know yourself what God has laid down for us to believe and practice? God's Word tells us that the believers in Berea "were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts 17:11) A warning light should go up when a preacher, an acquaintance, a person you chance to briefly meet states something that is contrary to the Word of God. If you don't know what the Bible says, you will be led astray.

Does your pastor preach against sin? He should! God requires of the pastor, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." (II Tim. 4:2) Your pastor's preaching should put Holy Ghost conviction upon your sin; it should not pamper it.

Preachers who are faithful to the Word of God, labeled "old-fashioned," are very unpopular. A little compromise surely is tempting to them. How often they must hear that old serpent whisper, "Give in! Just a little. You'll reach more people..." How very sad it is when pastors do give in to worldly methods ensuring results. Results shallow, empty, and worthless that before Christ at the Judgment Seat will be wood, hay, and stubble, consumed by trying fire.

Compromise is not worth it! We desperately need faithful men of God who won't give up in the face of opposition. God will give the increase in His perfect time. Most certainly, the work is often slow. The burdens of the ministry are enormous. But steadfast pastors will have exceeding great riches to offer unto the Lord as we enter eternity, and they will hear Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" If God has blessed you with such a pastor, you need to stand behind him and cheer him on. He deserves and needs it!

"Self-evident, ancient and tried truths of the faith have been trampled under the feet of innovative, Madison-avenue type, results-oriented, and godless methods. ... The knowledge of God, knowing Him in a real, personal and practical way has been substituted with a blasphemous, God-is-my-'buddy' mentality." - Evangelist Tim Green

You may, perhaps, think you can both accept this wicked program and be true to the LORD. Purpose Driven churches are very appealing to the flesh, I'll say that much for it, and I promise they draw stunning masses of people. The rock bands, the chanting songs, the dancing, the immodest attire, the 15-minute psychological messages--"That's the only way to do it today!" the deceiver so craftily convinces. "The young people just love it, and the older generation even praises it highly, at that." Folks, it is worldly and sensual. It is of the devil!

The holiness and true worship of Bible-preaching Baptist churches are truly shunned and despised in this present evil age. Nevertheless, that is where God alone is glorified and exalted, rather than the flesh and the devil. That is where God works in power! That is where God's people see the Spirit move, convincing men of sin, revealing a desperate need for the Savior; and that is where a new work is begun in a life that was hopeless and wicked, worthy of Hell. That is where grand old hymns of the faith are sung in praise and worship to God in the midst. That is where fellowship with the brethren is real and sweet and heartening. That is where preaching by the man of God from the Word of God is strong and unreserved. That is where God's people say "Amen!" with conviction in frequency and give praise to His worthy name because "great things He hath done!" Oh, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD"! (Ps. 122:1)

James 1:8 says, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." Who do you aim to worship this Sunday? You can't worship God in a place where sin and worldliness are rampant, quenching the Holy Spirit. Our holy God does not attend those churches! They rightfully deserve the name Ichabod: The glory is departed! If God is not worshiped, if the Spirit does not work, what, pray tell, is the driving purpose of the church?

Be certain that what you believe is the Truth, and stand upon it and for it faithfully.

"God said it, and that settles it, whether we like it or not." - Pastor Tim Ungry


Naomi K said...

Wow - I knew the "purpose driven" church movement was bad, but I'd never really studied what they taught! We're purpose driven too - it's just that our purpose is a "little" different than theirs!

Naomi Ungry said...

Amen, Naomi! We need to desire Spirit-driven churches!

Naomi U.

P.S. I have read on your family's blog of your betrothal. I'm so happy for you! Glory to His name! It's a great blessing and encouragement to me to see how you're honoring the Lord and following His guidance. May God abundantly bless you!