Because God is infinite, the ways in which He answers prayer have no limit. We weak little humans are bound by set limits of knowledge and ability. There comes a time in every genius's life that he hits a brick wall. The strongest man in the world eventually slams into that same old brick wall, too. =)
However, if we are saved by the blood of the Crucified One, we have access to something and Someone that knows no limits. We can pray! We can ask God to do things that are absolutely impossible. We can expect miracles -- great and mighty things that only God can do. God has promised that His ear is open to the humble, earnest cry of His people. He promises to answer our prayers, no matter the subject or size of those prayers.
Prayer is not limited by space. God sits upon His throne in Heaven and we dwell in Earth, but nothing can keep God from hearing our prayers. (Example: Jonah prayed from the belly of a whale, God heard him, and He answered!) We can pray for a loved one separated by thousands of miles and even oceans and we are able to directly affect their lives with our prayers. We can respond to the requests others make for their loved ones, and although we have never met those people, our prayers have a part in providing for their needs. Ladies, we can pray in full faith for our future husbands to be faithful to the Lord and to future vows, we can pray that God would defend them against the attacks of Satan, and we can pray that God will meet their many needs as live day by day.
Prayer is not limited by time. Because God dwells in eternity and sees the end from the beginning, and because He is not affected by time, He does not work according to our time-table but according to His all-wise purposes. And He is never late in answering our prayers. Prayer can receive an immediate answer, a delayed answer, or a prolonged answer: God knows which is best. When we are in a dangerous situation or we have pressing needs, we can pray and expect God to follow through. We may have other needs that seem endless; those are the times when we wonder if God is even listening: an unsaved loved one, a desire of the heart, etc. This is when we must pray persistently and not give up (read Luke 18:1-8). Then there is prolonged answers to prayer, such as our prayers for the work of God in lives, work that is truly dependent upon our prayers.
Prayer is not limited in subject matter. God did not give us a set list of prayers He would answer, nor did He specify certain matters that we could not bring to Him. God said, "Call unto me and I will answer thee." Call on Him for what? Praise God, He did not say! He wants us to bring anything and everything. He wants us to "come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Heb. 4:16)
Prayer is not limited in results. The Lord did not put limitations or conditions upon what and how He would answer our requests. He is a loving Heavenly Father and gives us what is best and what we need. (See Matthew 7:7-11 and James 1:17.) If we ask for a certain need, He will supply that certain need. He promised! He claims that when we call, He will do "great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." (Jer. 33:3) And many times, His answers to our feeble prayers are in ways that are "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20) God is not bound by laws of nature and is not in the least confounded by what we consider to be impossibilities. "For with God nothing shall be impossible." (Luke 1:37)
However, if we are saved by the blood of the Crucified One, we have access to something and Someone that knows no limits. We can pray! We can ask God to do things that are absolutely impossible. We can expect miracles -- great and mighty things that only God can do. God has promised that His ear is open to the humble, earnest cry of His people. He promises to answer our prayers, no matter the subject or size of those prayers.
Prayer is not limited by space. God sits upon His throne in Heaven and we dwell in Earth, but nothing can keep God from hearing our prayers. (Example: Jonah prayed from the belly of a whale, God heard him, and He answered!) We can pray for a loved one separated by thousands of miles and even oceans and we are able to directly affect their lives with our prayers. We can respond to the requests others make for their loved ones, and although we have never met those people, our prayers have a part in providing for their needs. Ladies, we can pray in full faith for our future husbands to be faithful to the Lord and to future vows, we can pray that God would defend them against the attacks of Satan, and we can pray that God will meet their many needs as live day by day.
Prayer is not limited by time. Because God dwells in eternity and sees the end from the beginning, and because He is not affected by time, He does not work according to our time-table but according to His all-wise purposes. And He is never late in answering our prayers. Prayer can receive an immediate answer, a delayed answer, or a prolonged answer: God knows which is best. When we are in a dangerous situation or we have pressing needs, we can pray and expect God to follow through. We may have other needs that seem endless; those are the times when we wonder if God is even listening: an unsaved loved one, a desire of the heart, etc. This is when we must pray persistently and not give up (read Luke 18:1-8). Then there is prolonged answers to prayer, such as our prayers for the work of God in lives, work that is truly dependent upon our prayers.
Prayer is not limited in subject matter. God did not give us a set list of prayers He would answer, nor did He specify certain matters that we could not bring to Him. God said, "Call unto me and I will answer thee." Call on Him for what? Praise God, He did not say! He wants us to bring anything and everything. He wants us to "come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Heb. 4:16)
Prayer is not limited in results. The Lord did not put limitations or conditions upon what and how He would answer our requests. He is a loving Heavenly Father and gives us what is best and what we need. (See Matthew 7:7-11 and James 1:17.) If we ask for a certain need, He will supply that certain need. He promised! He claims that when we call, He will do "great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." (Jer. 33:3) And many times, His answers to our feeble prayers are in ways that are "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20) God is not bound by laws of nature and is not in the least confounded by what we consider to be impossibilities. "For with God nothing shall be impossible." (Luke 1:37)
Every prayer God answers is a miracle. God has placed a limitless, boundless, all-things-are-possible tool in our weak human hands. Why don't we use it? Perhaps because we think only certain Christians have access to this kind of prayer? No, even a child can pray and receive great and mighty answers. Why do we fear that He will fail to hear or will refuse to answer? Because we fail Him and sin against Him and we feel unworthy? We are under the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. We are fully, forever pardoned and made righteous in His sight, and we are always welcome in His throne-room.
God is Almighty and He is good! Let's simply trust Him to do all He promised and get busy doing the real work we're responsible for!
In the photo: A tree, hay bales, and irises at Aunt Frances and Uncle Don's farm in Iowa.
Thank you so much for this encouraging and convicting post, Naomi! Who but the Lord could have known that this has been the burden growing in my heart: to pray more, especially as women. There is no going wrong there! Praise the Lord for this weapon He has given us!
Lord bless you!!:) Hope your all doing well!:)
Praise God, Ashley! You're right, we ladies need to use this great weapon. I once heard a preacher tell a story about an elderly lady. He asked her, "What is the Scripture verse that you think sums up your life?" She replied quite aggressively, "I have fought a good fight." She was such a petite little lady he thought it was funny, but then he realized that the real fight she fought was in the prayer closet. Yes, Ashley, there's a real battle taking place and we need to fight!
God bless you!
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