Today I took a lovely walk with my sisters and our dog Max. It was one of the warmest days we've had yet and it felt simply glorious!
We're still receiving plenty of whale snow but the warm temperature doesn't allow it to stick very well. So far our village has harvested two bowhead whales! It's an exciting time for the people.
Snow is beginning to melt at a rapid rate. Slushy puddles and mud abound!
We're seeing a lot more dirt lately! I love dirt. I was thinking how nice it would be to see some little bits of green springing out of the cold, dark ground when I saw this...
Oh, I simply can't express what this little sprig of green did for my heart!!! It gave me hope. Winter is really and truly over and spring will be the victor soon.
What a marvel this icicle is. It's hallow and a bubbling stream of cold, clear water is coming out of it. Just another example of my Creator's beauty and wisdom!
I managed to get a few decent shots of our cheery snowbirds. They are the sweetest things! They just sing their hearts out all day long. It is so wonderful hear their happy music again. If you'd like to hear what their song is like, click here.
I managed to get a few decent shots of our cheery snowbirds. They are the sweetest things! They just sing their hearts out all day long. It is so wonderful hear their happy music again. If you'd like to hear what their song is like, click here.
Dear Naomi! What a faithful poster you are! I have finally "caught up", so to speak on these last three posts and how I enjoyed them!!:) At first I wanted to leave a comment on ALL of them but, I finally decided to put it into one which I believe is a sensible plan all together.:)
The pictures of the snow and snowflakes are very beautiful! I love how you captured even, the amazing design on the snowflake which, most of the time, is overlooked! It is so amazing to realize that even a snowflake, as tiny as it is, was carefully and uniquely designed by the Lord Jesus and NO two are the same!!
What a difference in weather change for you folks!! (I am looking forward to seeing it for myself, someday, Lord willing!) I think it definitely makes one grateful for changing seasons.:)
Btw, I do love it so, when you post picture of the people in your village, as well as you and your family! It helps to know a little bit more what it's like for you all!
I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your sisters! Which...brings to mind a question. What did you ladies wear on your walk, as far as keeping warm? I think that will be a more challenging part, learning how to dress and staying warm.:)
Thank you for the fun posts and also for the photos you sent!! They have been greatly enjoyed!
As graduation draws closer, life is getting very busy but, I do hope to write to you soon! Lord bless you, friend! Enjoy the light and sunshine!!:)
I'm glad I have had more time of late to share on my blog! That time will end very soon and then this blog will be fairly dead, so I'm trying to squeeze as much posting in during this period as time permits.
I'm so glad you've enjoyed the photos! As for dressing warmly as well as modestly, we basically dress in layers. We wear sweatpants or snowpants under our skirts to stay warm. Maybe we look a bit bulky but I'm glad we can still honor the Lord by looking like ladies! =)
God bless you, dear!
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