Thursday, June 16, 2011

10 Ways to Read the Bible

Don't read absent-mindedly but read with purpose, intention and thoughtful consideration.

Read a particular verse or passage several times over to gain a better understanding of it. If following a yearly plan, begin in Genesis 1 again on January 1!

Be faithful in Bible study when it is not especially interesting or when you do not understand.

Select portions of Scripture to read during a time of distress for comfort, for counsel on life-decisions, etc.

Always seek guidance and enlightenment from the Holy Spirit before you open God's Word. Have a spirit of communion with God as you read His Word to you.

Use imagination when reading of Daniel in the den of lions, of Sarah when she overheard that she would bear a child in her old age, and other instances. Place yourself in their situation. Understand their fear, surprise, faith, etc.

Contemplate. Revolve a Biblical truth around your the mind. "Chew" on a portion of Scripture for a long period of time until you get all the "juice" out of it.

Make careful intention to study the Bible, have direction in thought, and make application of God's Word to your life.

Search out and study and retain what you learn. Make it a personal possession, a real fact in your life.

Read small portions of the Bible in light of the whole. Don't lose context of one verse but apply it to an entire passage of Scripture. Don't break down the Bible into fragments of what you will and will not accept, but view the Bible as the whole Word of God.


Anonymous said...

This blog is so refreshing! Thank you for doing this!

you HAVE to read Leslie Ludy's books...!!!!!

Naomi Ungry said...

Thank you for your comments. =) It blesses me to know others are blessed by my blog. Praise God!

I have heard many good things about Mrs. Ludy's books and I hope to read some of them soon.