Thursday, August 19, 2010

Savior, I Want to Praise You for...

I began this list of thankfulness before my family departed for furlough. I'm thankful for these things still, so I'll post them anyway... and add a few new ones towards the end.

31. Fulfilling my hope and allowing me to to capture some photos of our snowbirds, a sure sign of spring.  I was so thrilled! They happened to be gathering some straw in our yard to take away to their snug little nest

Aren't they just beautiful? I wish you could hear their cheery, melodious song. How it rejoices my heart! I just learned that snowbirds are also called snow buntings, snowflakes, and snow larks. What sweet names for such pretty creatures. I like snow larks best. Their music is what I'd define as "lark-ish." =)

32. A camera with 20x zoom which enables my family to see the incredible. A little cropping and I was STUNNED. I don't care that the resolution is poor--we can see whaling boats on the open water across twenty miles of sea ice!

33. A preacher with a great burden and vision from the Lord... to help missionaries. For doing "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think" in sending him to us. In the three days he has been with us, Brother Sutphin has encouraged my family in amazing ways. The Lord knows our needs and he is using Bro. Sutphin to meet them. God will use those who are willing to serve Him in ways we cannot measure. Please pray for this preacher during the next seven weeks as he carries our burden and does our work while we are away. (He did a wonderful work for us while we were away, indeed! Praise God! Bro. Sutphin was blessed by the experience and is excited about helping other missionaries in Alaska in the future.)

33. We are so near our furlough--two days. I'll soon see four sweet little girls who I count among my dearest of friends, many other dear, dear people at church on Sunday, and in two weeks, my grandparents!!!

34. Our home pastor, Bro. Jeff Brady, and his precious daughter Amanda. They filled in for us the last six weeks we were away. The Lord used them mightily to strengthen our ministry! Our people loved them! When we returned home, they were full of stories of their six weeks in our village. God blessed them in many ways; it was an experience they will never forget. Oh, I am so grateful for them.

35. Safety throughout our long, long journey of 15,000 miles. He protected us with His mighty hand as we sped down busy interstates. He shielded us from several sure accidents. We had one break-down, caused by a simple electrical issue. It was fixed in an hour. Oh, God is GOOD--and I wish words could explain it better!!!

36. Precious moments with my grandparents. Knitting with my sweet Grandma.

The wonderful way that Gammie's eyes lit up when I gave her the shawl I made for her.

For letting us see Pap Pap once more before He went home to be with You in the sweet Haven of rest...

Thank You that his passing was peaceful as Gammie held his hand. Thank You, Lord, that he is strong and whole now, that his long, painful fight with cancer is over! Thank You that I will see him again in Heaven, that his arms will be strong as they hug me back in the Morning! O Lord, the God of all comfort, thank You for precious memories...

37. The refreshment of sweet, sweet fellowship. How we needed it. The brethren strengthened and encouraged my family so we can better serve God.

Their prayers hold us up. These dear people and their sharing of the burdens of our ministry--this must be what I am most grateful for. We are indebted to the churches that have so faithfully supported us. Their financial support is important; their giving to the Lord supplies our needs!!! But we would not be serving God in Alaska were it not for the faithful prayers of the saints on our behalf. I don't believe folks realize how important their prayers for us are. I was acutely aware of it as I pondered the truth of it. Something about being away from the work helps you to refocus and see things as they really are.

Folks often do not know what our needs are--but God does, and He moves because of those prayers. They keep us faithful to God when our labor seems fruitless! I am deeply grateful. I praise God for you dear people!

38. My hero, Mrs. Ellie Smith. This precious lady has a heart of gold.

Her husband, Bro. Homer Smith, passed away less than a year ago. He was the founder and director of Word for the World Baptist Ministries, my family's mission board. Bro. Smith had such a great vision and a tremendous burden for the Lord's work. He was a man of prayer, service, and faith in God. He loved missionaries. He cared for souls. He was the heart of Word for the World. The ministry continues and God is still doing tremendous things, but Bro. Smith is very much missed... especially by his dear wife. Mrs. Smith stood beside this great man of God, cheering him on when the devil fought hard, praying for him, laboring beside him, and loving her God with all her heart. Although her health is poor, nothing can keep Mrs. Ellie from serving the Lord. She is always busy doing something for others and always ready with words of loving wisdom. Mrs. Ellie is a rare treasure. Knowing her is one of the greatest blessings I have ever known. Loving favor is truly better than silver or gold.

39. The breathtaking beauty of a butterfly's wings. Their lovely gracefulness is beautiful to behold. My Creator's wisdom and creativity are infinitely beyond compare! I love how these pretty yellow butterflies are attracted to echinacea, or coneflowers, which are among my favorite flowers and herbs. Their colors blend so perfectly!

40. That we are back with our dear people, in the center of Your will, that one safe and HAPPY place to be. Thank You, Christ Jesus my Lord, Who hath enabled us, for that you counted us faithful, putting us into the ministry. (I Tim. 1:12)  It is a privilege like no other. There is JOY in serving You, my Lord!!!


Ashley:) said...

Naomi, I enjoyed this post very much! Thank you for sharing and for the reminder of being grateful in all areas. It's easy to get lost in a world or self! You are so right about the importance of prayer and please know that you are in my prayers, when I remember.:)

Naomi Ungry said...


A world of self--how true that statement is. I struggle daily to keep a thankful spirit to the Lord. These posts help me more than anyone, I believe! =)

God bless you, Ashley. Thank you for being so encouraging in your words and in your spirit--and thank you most of all for your prayers.