Thursday, December 30, 2010

Today Is My Birthday

Happy birthday to me! =)

Can it truly be twenty years ago today that I was born into this beautiful life God made for me? Just think of it -- life! I am so grateful for the privilege of living, and even more so for the awesome blessing of living in Christ Jesus my Savior!

My mommy gave birth to me twenty years ago. (Ugggh, I can't believe I'm so old!) You know, birthdays really should be a celebration for mothers, too. We usually just think about us -- it's our day, after all -- but have we ever thanked our mothers on our birthdays for going through so much pain to bring us into the world? I hereby declare all birthdays a Thank-You to Mommies Day! =)

Today truly is a happy day. But my heart is a little sad, too. My second thought this morning was, This may be my last birthday at home... with my family. I sense that this year is going to bring a lot of changes in my life. The future, as I have always known it, is no longer far away in the distance. The future is now foreseeable. The Lord is leading me distinctly, and that appears to be away, far away from my dear family. My heart feels sad, but the realization helps me to cherish the moments better. I want to make this birthday one I won't forget in my memories.

So, for the sake of my remembering what happened three hundred sixty-five days from this day, I'm going to write about every little detail of my birthday which I consider to be important. Let me share my day with you. =)

This morning my alarm clock went off at six o'clock but (lazy lady that I am) I let it continue to go off for twenty minutes. The alarm clock is located on a chest at the foot of my bed so, yup! That means I crawl out of bed every three minutes to shut it off. Ha! By the time I finish this ritual I am relatively "awake."

I basically bundle up every morning so I don't shiver during my quiet time. (chuckle) The room my sisters and I share feels like an ice box every morning. That part of the house was built over fifteen years ago and for some reason it was not insulated very well. It's also quite drafty. Thank God we have a small heater in our room!  Even so, it's still chilly, so I wear warm leggings (and sometimes sweatpants over that) underneath my skirt and a sweater (sometimes two) over a long-sleeved blouse. Then I pull on my toasty, red hand-knitted fingerless mittens. Finally, I burrow deep into a blanket. At this point I'm comfortably warm. (chuckle)

I have been working my way through a biography of Hudson Taylor, missionary to China, during my devotions. That man trusted God! What incredible trials he faced. You just can't imagine. The events of his life are so gripping, the plot so intricate, that sometimes I have to stop and think, These things truly happened to this man! The Lord is the author of our faith, Hebrews 12:2 tells us. He writes out of the events of our life to teach us to trust Him. (I'm excited to share a great many thoughts of the book as soon as I finish Part 1.)

We gathered upstairs for family devotions at around 8:15. I opened my presents -- I was given such lovely things! I sure am loved.

The first gift I opened was a gorgeous, delicate cameo brooch. I love it!

I began collecting blue and white china last summer. I discovered a series called Liberty Blue; I received two pieces from the collection today. This bowl depicts Mount Vernon, the estate of George Washington.

The other piece is a Besty Ross sugar bowl. Isn't it sweet? =) Blue and white china makes me so happy! My parents sure bless me with good things.

I also received a coffee mug/saucer/spoon in a CUTE cow print design. I now have a set as I got an identical gift for Christmas. Anyone who knows me knows I love all things Holstein. =D Mom bought me two movies that look to be good family films. Amish Grace is based after an sad event that took place in an Amish community a few years ago. The other movie is called The Note. Looks like a good tear-jerking "girl movie," as my brother calls it. =)

After finishing up my Bible reading in my room, I got a cup of Heart at Home tea brewing for myself and made up some French toast with butter and homemade syrup (evaporated can juice, molasses, water, and cornstarch). Yummy! I checked my email, read two birthday notes from sweet friends that blessed my heart, cleaned up the kitchen, drank my tea, arranged my two-foot-plus-long hair into a French braided bun while listening as my sister Emily practiced the violin, and started a load of laundry.

Next on the agenda: baking. While listening to this very encouraging message preached by Bro. Don Hodge, I made a pineapple upside-down cake for my birthday. I tweaked the recipe a bit to make it more healthful (freshly milled wheat/spelt/kamut flour and evaporated cane juice in place of sugar). I also made up a batch of brownies for those members of my family who don't prefer pineapple. =) I finished up by getting a loaf of bread started in the bread machine.

I did a little work on the computer and then it was time for lunch. (I'm spending a lot of time in the kitchen today, aren't I? =) I ate some yummy potato chowder leftover from supper the night before. I made kefir smoothies as I do most every day. I honestly don't think I could function without my smoothie! I throw in anything that sounds good -- frozen strawberries, bananas, canned peaches and pears, cinnamon, wheat germ, flax seed, oatstraw powder, liquid stevia to sweeten it, and ice. They are so good and so filling!

It is a tradition at our home to treat the birthday person with a meal from the restaurant for lunch. My mom's birthday is the day after mine so we always have a special time together at the restaurant. Unfortunately, though, it's closed due to lack of workers. So, we'll be having our birthday lunch in a few weeks when it reopens.

After cleaning up the kitchen and attending to a few other random tasks, I got the sewing machine set up and got to work on an apron. I accomplished much! I listened to another sermon: The Power of Imagination preached by Bro. Tom Sooter. Wow, what an enlightening message! It is one I will be definitely be thinking upon and applying, with the Lord's help.

The menfolk came inside for their coffee break. My family sang Happy Birthday to me and I blew out my TWENTY candles -- all in one breath, I might add! I didn't actually make a wish, though. =) We dug into the yummy pineapple upside-down cake, brownies, and homemade ice cream. I started some spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove. I finally got my recipe worked out to hot, deep, rich perfection. Mm!

I exercised and showered, threw a load in the dryer, and helped finish up dinner preparations. I requested Baked Chicken Parmesan for my birthday dinner. It certainly was good! After finishing up dishes, we all cozied up in the living room and watched one of the movies I received as a gift, Amish Grace. The only bad thing about it was that my eyes weren't dry the whole time! =( Oh, it was so sad, especially knowing the events truly took place in an Amish community just a few years ago. What a powerful message of forgiveness. We really enjoyed the movie. I don't think I can say one bad thing about it. Highly recommended!

I made us all some Perfect Peace tea to drink during the movie which, as always, made us feel nice and rested. I took our dog Max out (alappaa, it's cold outside lately!), readied myself for bed, my mom prayed with my siblings and me and kissed us good-night, and while snuggled in my warm bed, I finished listening to a chapter of Under the Lilacs by Louisa May Alcott. What a cute book! I love all things Miss Alcott. =) My sisters and I watched an episode of an old TV show and then finally wandered into La-La Land. And that was my birthday!

It was a fairly normal, routine day. Besides my entering my twentieth year of life and receiving sweet gifts from my family, I can't say as anything especially remarkable or even slightly phenomenal took place. (wink) Just a nice, quiet birthday at home. It made me happy. I accomplished many things, was helped by good preaching from the Word of God, ate some delicious food, was blessed by the presence of my dear family, and enjoyed a restful evening. It was a good day. I was blessed! And I am thankful.

"The nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but those that bring simple little pleasures, following one after another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." (L.M. Montgomery)

Three hundred sixty-five days until my next birthday. I wonder, what will the Lord's will bring into my life in that time? One of my favorite hymns cheers my heart every time I remember its words: "I know not, I know not, Yet He Who commandeth the stars is my Guide! I know not, I know not, But safe in His keeping, I'm satisfied." I am assured. As long as I follow my Leader, I have no reason to worry or fret. That sure is good to know.


Dakota Covey said...

Happy Birthday!!!

worshipjesuschrist said...

Dear Naomi Ann,

As I have for some time now enjoyed your wonderful writings and pictures on your blog, I thought it only fitting on this your birthday to extend to you my heartfelt thanks. You have blessed me so much by your love for Christ, my sister, and by your love of the simple, humble things that make up a life well lived in Him.

Be encouraged this year, as you continue to follow His every leading in your life -- you are very appreciated out in cyberspace land by this sister in Christ. I look forward to seeing how God is going to put a demand on the great deposit He has already made on your young life.

Love in Him, Paula

Naomi Ungry said...

Thank you both for your kind words! =)

Unknown said...

Dear Naomi,
Please forgive my belated wishes! Happy Birthday! I am so glad you had such a special day! Love to you in Christ Jesus! Happy 2011!

Naomi Ungry said...

Thank you, Ashley! =)